lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Literary Devices.

Hi everyone,

This is a poem whe had to create for our class using the literary devices and for this activity I had to work with:

Gabriela Soria Marroquín, Nelly Escobar López and Darién Rodríguez Gutiérrez.

It was as fluffy as a minion
It was as cute as a baby
It was as white as snow
It was fearful as Scooby Doo,
Brave as Superman
It was intelligent as Einstein

·      Anaphora, because it repeats the words: “It was as”.
_   Comparison, because it mentions similarities between two things.
·      Allusion, because it uses Scooby Doo and Superman as references.
·      Hyperbole, because it exaggerates the level of intelligence comparing to Einstein’s.

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